Think Before you Click – Coronavirus Phishing Attack Emails On The Rise
As you have probably observed, the news has been dominated by Coronavirus. Unfortunately, cyber scum often use these global events and the associated interest, fear or confusion to their advantage; launching phishing campaigns or other attacks. Phishers know that during times like this, people become desperate for more information.
We have seen a documented rise in phishing emails as cybercriminals capitalize on fears of a global health emergency by claiming to offer health advise.
Please be aware that internet scum are going to exploit these news events in a number of ways, so remind your family, business organizations and colleagues to be very careful with anything related to these events: emails, attachments, any social media, texts on your phone – anything.
Protect yourself by remaining vigilant when reviewing emails related to these topics and stick to the basics of cyber hygiene practices.
- Think before you download an attachment or click on a link on any message but especially from someone you do not know.
- Confirm that the sender’s email is valid and spelled correctly.
- Trust your gut
Remember – Think Before You Click

Tim Palmer is the Managing Director at CyberSafe 360, LLC. CyberSafe 360 is a full-service, cybersecurity solutions firm catering exclusively to small and mid-size businesses (SMBs). We exist to make IT security solutions understandable, attainable, and affordable. Tim lives in Wheaton, Il.