Chambers All In for Economic Recovery Platform
January 2022
Chambers All In for Economic Recovery releases its 2022 platform below. The overarching message is the same as previous: economic recovery must be a top priority for the business community. As we approach the second anniversary of the pandemic’s declaration with continued efforts against COVID-19, unintended consequences for the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 have surmounted and they risk permanently stunting the prosperity of Illinois’ businesses.
If enacted, the following items will help bolster a business bottom line and allow for continued growth and investment in Illinois.
- Utilize American Rescue Plan Act funding to help replenish the unemployment trust fund alleviate the impending financial drain from the state’s businesses.
- Provide legal protections to employers who follow the CDC established safety guidelines from claims that COVID-19 was contracted at the place of business.
- Restructure the Minimum Wage Credit’s incremental phase-out to allow small businesses to capture the original intent of the credit.
- Extend the EDGE credit sunset clause out for another ten years and utilize the tax credit as an incentive to attract new businesses to the state and allow for the growth and development of existing companies.
In addition to the items above, Chambers All In for Economic Recovery calls for collaborative solutions to the state’s ongoing workforce challenges. The coalition recognizes the importance of having a ready, willing and skilled workforce for the future of our state’s economy. We call on the state to develop innovative programs, support pilot programs, invest in K-12 career awareness programming and assist in scaling successful workforce programs for other communities and industries. We urge Illinois legislators to create an environment and funding models that allow the private sector to drive the training demand for employers.
Chambers All In for Economic Recovery will monitor legislative activities for items that specifically support economic recovery or may hinder ongoing recovery efforts. The coalition may act in such cases to bolster support or join in opposition.
For more information, email president@wheatonchamber.com